Wednesday, October 3, 2012

John 10:1-10 Reflections

John 10:1-10 

Which one was most meaning full?  How do I plan to follow through in obedience?

John 10:1 I will choose to only go through Christ the gate to find fulfillment and purpose in my life.  to enter through any other means will only robe me and those around me.

John 10:2-3 I really don't know how to respond to this.  A sheep by nature doesn't choose who the pastor is nor do they question them.  Yet I do this.  A sheep has no control over the level of care they receive.  This sounds way to out of control.  Then you have the strange twist where the analogy breaks down for the sheep eventually become shepherds.  We are all called to Shepard.  I have a much easier time seeing my responsibility as a Shepard than how to be have as a sheep.

John 10: 4-5 I will choose this day to trust God to lead me.  Lord let me look for your light upon my path.  Please speak to those areas that I need answers for.  I feel like I am without a back bone again.  Lord I am so troubled by those that I am required to keep company with that are strangers to your truth.  Influencing me to compromise.

John 10: 6  I will look to Christ to explain what I do not understand.  Staying long enough in his presence to hear the rest of the story.   7  I will choose to believe that Jesus is the answer to all that is going on in my life.  That having faith in what I can not see is better than my own logic.  8 I am so thankful that God's spirit in me will point out the liars and thieves that I will not follow them.  9  I am so thankful that I am saved.  I pray for those that are still outside listening to those that are liars.

John 10:10 I will continue to pour out my heart in prayer and in the word to discern his voice.  I will not allow anything to stand in the way of hearing God's voice.  I will walk in the light.

Prayer Reflections

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