Exodus 26-27:21; Matthew 25:1-30; Psalm 31:1-8; Proverbs 8:1-11 (Easy-to-Read Version)
It is 6:50. I have my tea, I have checked FB, I went to the bathroom. I had a reasonably good night sleep. At this moment I feel a bit sad but mostly good. I at a bit anxious as I am about to start a strict diet that is quite costly. I am going to need the Lord's supernatural strength and conviction to keep it up. Yet this body is truly weighing me down and that needs to change. So here goes. Diving in Lord.
Dear Lord,
i pray that this day i am surrounded by a cloud of angles. For your protection and for your glory. i pray that I find myself singing your praises all day long. Lord bring me your peace. Forgive me that i let my mind be clouded with other things. i know full well the grace, mercy, joy, peace and world rocking change that takes place inside me and even in my world around me if i just come into your presence daily and really spend time with you. not much seems to happen when i keep one foot in my own thoughts or try and do my own thing while reading your word. no you are jealous god that wants my full attention. More importantly I need to give to to be able to retain what you have for me.
Worship at your feet and a wonderful way to awaken my spirit man.
Breath by Vineyard
Matthew 25
6 “At midnight someone announced, ‘The bridegroom is coming! Come and meet him!’
7 “Then all the girls woke up. They made their lamps ready. 8 But the foolish girls said to the wise girls, ‘Give us some of your oil. The oil in our lamps is all gone.’
9 “The wise girls answered, ‘No! The oil we have might not be enough for all of us. But go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10 “So the foolish girls went to buy oil. While they were gone, the bridegroom came. The girls who were ready went in with the bridegroom to the wedding feast. Then the door was closed and locked.
28 “So the master told his other servants, ‘Take the one bag of money from that servant and give it to the servant who has ten bags. 29 Everyone who uses what they have will get more. They will have much more than they need. But people who do not use what they have will have everything taken away from them.’ 30 Then the master said, ‘Throw that useless servant outside into the darkness, where people will cry and grind their teeth with pain.’
Prov 8
10 Choose discipline over silver
and knowledge over the finest gold.
11 Wisdom is better than pearls,
and nothing you desire compares with her.
Lord it is 8am and I must run. Yet I will return to pen the words you will give me over these verses you have called me to meditate on. I await the great truths you will write on my heart.
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