Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Judges 2:10-3:31, Luke 22:14-34, Ps 92:1-93:5, Pr 14:1-2

20 Then the Lord would become furious with Israel and say,
         This nation has broken the covenant that I commanded their ancestors to keep. Because they have not obeyed me,21 I will no longer drive out any of the nations that were still in the land when Joshua died.22 I will use them to find out whether or not these Israelites will follow my ways, as their ancestors did.

( God is withholding his protection.  How many times do we just go along with our lives under the protection of the Lord.  With no idea what foe would attack us and win, if not under his protection.  We walk around feeling so big against our enemies yet we are life children in our fathers armor.  Lord that we not forsake you and come out from your covering.)

31 The next leader was Shamgar son of Anath. He too rescued Israel, and did so by killing six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad.

(Rescue by killing.  a concept so foreign to me.  Lord help me to see that war and death is part of life.)

Luke 22

26 But this is not the way it is with you; rather, the greatest one among you must be like the youngest, and the leader must be like the servant.27 Who is greater, the one who sits down to eat or the one who serves? The one who sits down, of course. But I am among you as one who serves.

(Teach me how to embrace the heart of a servant.  Show me how to do this with my children.  I find myself constantly correcting even the smallest of offenses in them.  Thinking I am molding them.  Yet I fear I am wounding their spirit more than giving them direction.  Lord let my corrections be few while my prayers be many.)

31 Simon, Simon! Listen! Satan has received permission to test all of you, to separate the good from the bad, as a farmer separates the wheat from the chaff.

(Lord help us to realize that Satan is still standing before God asking permission to sift us.  Lord let me be so close to you that he can't touch me.  That in those days that he does.  Let my spiritual eyes see his temptations and schemes for what they are that I may not sin against you.)

Proverbs 14
 1 Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness.

(What an awesome responsibility.  Lord let your wisdom flow through me this day that I bring it to my home.  Lord for i need much direction in being a homemaker.)

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