Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 25, 2012

Judges 4-5:31; Luke 22:35-54; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 14:3-4 (Good News Translation)

 4 Now Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, was a prophet, and she was serving as a judge for the Israelites at that time.

(I thank you and praise you Lord for showing us in your word these powerful women that you spoke through.  Our faith is not one for the men 1st and then the women.  We are all equal in your sight.  divinely placed to do your bidding. 
Deborah, Deborah, so much I would like to ask of you.  What was it like to be a bold women of God in a man's world?  Where did God take you in your life?  How was your marriage?  How did you spend time with the Lord?  Lord I may not be able to speak to Deborah, yet I can speak to you that knows her full well.  Lord speak to me of her life that goes beyond the pages of your holy book that I to may become more and more like these women of God.  Not that I should boast but that I may do your will.)

9 She answered,
         All right, I will go with you, but you won't get any credit for the victory, because the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman.

(What direct words she speaks to this man.  Would I not try to walk around such a truth.  No credit for you.  Lord give me such boldness when you have it for me to speak.  Lord let me fear you more than I do man.  Where is this women's husband in all this?  She did not waist time in saying she would go out to battle.  Did she not have home and children to tend to?  Did her husband go with her?  What kind of man was he to be yoked to a prophet?)

21 Sisera was so tired that he fell sound asleep. Then Jael took a hammer and a tent peg, quietly went up to him, and killed him by driving the peg right through the side of his head and into the ground.

(What am I to make of Jael?  She told this man he would be safe to come into her tent?  Does God allow deception to do his will?  Lord did you speak to her in a dream or a vision to show her what she must do?  Where else are we told of this women's life?  What is she all about?  Was she known in her community as a women of faith?  How long had she served you and known you?  Or was she just the vessel that you chose to use to fulfill what the prophet spoke?)

43 An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.

(Lord I have always ask of you for strength.  Is it your angels that carry out the request?  How do they strengthen us?  I can't wait till heaven, where all the mysteries will be unfolded.  Lord to see where your hand, your legions of angels came to my aid night and day.  Seeing my life in full view of my reality and yours together as one.  Lord I thank you when I have but a glimmer of the working of the heavenly realm amidst us each day.  Stopping the enemy, strengthening us, confusing those that plot against your people.  Wow.  What will you do on my behalf today.  Lord I pray that I may see more, that I can testify of your greatness.  That others would see how much you love them.  For you are still laying down your life daily to save us from peril.)

51 But Jesus said,
         Enough of this! He touched the man's ear and healed him.

(Healed him.  Did you just read that?  Preaching of his power in the very moment of his capture.  Yet in the face of people like you and me that love the Lord but sorely don't know the father will.  Here we are waving our swords around for Christ, as he has put them in our hands.  Please Lord show us, lead us.  That you need not heal those WE Christians wound in your name.)

53 I was with you in the Temple every day, and you did not try to arrest me. But this is your hour to act, when the power of darkness rules.

(The power of darkness rules. Are there days like this in our lives?  That we need to be aware?  Lord forgive us for walking about carefree without a care in the world.  You have more than forewarned us of the dangers that lurk.  Yet our protection lives within us.  It is our salvation.  Yet feed not the Spirit man you have placed inside of us and it will not be strong enough to fight against the schemes of the enemy.  Lord let us gird ourselves in all truth that our Spirit man be the one that speaks and does our bidding.  For it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me.)


14 The Lord will not abandon his people;
      he will not desert those who belong to him.

(Lord help me to hold fast to these words in the seasons of my life where I feel as if I am standing on faulty ground.  Yet it is you I stand on, not my circumstances.)

19 Whenever I am anxious and worried,
      you comfort me and make me glad.
(Lord forgive me for wallowing at times in my anxious thoughts.  Lord let me run into your arms, pondering not what worries me.  For you are the lifter of my head and your right hand will strengthen me.)

3 Proud fools talk too much; the words of the wise protect them.
(Lord I do talk a lot.  Lord please hold my tongue and the pen in my hand.  That I would but speak what you would have others to hear.  Lord let my foolishness remain not in there ears.  Lord let only your wisdom remain.  Yet Lord I will speak all day long of your amazing greatness.  For I will be a fool for you.)

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