Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27, 2012

Judges 7-8:16; Luke 23:11-43; Psalm 97-98:9; Proverbs 14:7-8 (Good News Translation)

(Lord help me as I explore your word.  For my thoughts are in many directions this morning.)

22 While Gideon's men were blowing their trumpets, the Lord made the enemy troops attack each other with their swords.

( I love how the Lord does all this.)


27 A large crowd of people followed him; among them were some women who were weeping and wailing for him.28 Jesus turned to them and said,
         Women of Jerusalem! Don't cry for me, but for yourselves and your children.29 For the days are coming when people will say,
         How lucky are the women who never had children, who never bore babies, who never nursed them!

(What pain it will be in that day.)

 7 Roar, sea, and every creature in you;
      sing, earth, and all who live on you!
 8 Clap your hands, you rivers;
      you hills, sing together with joy before the Lord,

(So beautiful are these words.)

(Not much inspiration yet this morning.  Yet Lord I pray that you will bring your word to my remembrance all day long.  That your truth will rise up out of my heart and be revealed to me.  That it will cleans me and make me whole that I can give it as choice food to all those you put in my path.  Yet for this mornings readings my ears and eyes seem to have only touched the surface of the pages.  Forgive me Lord for being so distracted in my thoughts.  Yet I stand firm in the knowledge of who I am in Christ knowing full well that nothing can separate me from the love of God.  Not even my own undoing.  Praise God that you have me in the palm of your hand.)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your devotions! The passage on Gideon really left me probing myself before God. God addressed Gideon as "mighty warrior" when Gideon preferred self pity. What is God calling out in me that I refuse to believe? Gideon brought a sacrifice of flesh and unleavened bread and broth. What do those things represent in my life? The wrong things had to come down (the altar of Baal and the Asherah pole) before the right things could go up. What needs to come down? On and On I could see my current struggles in the story of Gideon. Always before in my mind what stood out was the victory at the end. This time what stood out was the PROCESS.... Gideon needed to be made ready. There was a whole process involved in bringing both the man and the army to the place where God could move the way God wanted to move. I am forever wanting to abort the process and expect God just to "do it already!" Where can I focus on the process and stop trying to leap to the goal of God's performance? Sheesh. I need to go back and re-read it I think.
